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The Electric Castle Team launches The world we dream of: 10 years of Electric Castle in 5 minutes | Short movie | FESTIVALPHOTO

The Electric Castle Team launches The world we dream of: 10 years of Electric Castle in 5 minutes | Short movie



Artists, music, boots, tornado, friends, (too few) buses, fun and, of course, rain and mud. Electric Castle is about all that and more. The festival that never wanted to be perfect reaches 10 years of existence, which it evokes in a short film released today.

Having reached its 10th edition, the festival team outlines a conclusion: it only takes a village to create a world to dream of for a whole year. After a decade of adventures that they would not have anticipated even in the most creative scenarios, the organizers chose to look back, without regrets, and the result is a video material that reveals unique situations in the history of the festival.

Electric Castle – short film

"Building a festival like Electric Castle from scratch means leaving your comfort zone. Equipment that disappears just when you need it, artists that you break up with only to get back together, even a small tornado - these are the parts that no one takes into account when starting a festival. You go on, gripped by Bonțida fever, and you find solutions. You know that you are not alone, but you are with all those who dream, like you, of a different world", says Tudor Costinaș, Head of Communications Electric Castle.

With 40 days to go before the 2024 edition, the first 1,000 people who will be on the Banffy field are already known. They are the ones who will be part of the festival team, ready to build again, from the ground up, the space where Massive Attack, Bring Me The Horizon, Queens of The Stone Age, Chase and Status, Rema, Sean Paul, Ricardo Villalobos, Paolo Nutini and Khruangbin will discover Bonțida, a unique audience and the world that thousands of fans proudly call their favorite festival.

Writer: Vlad Ionut Piriu
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