PRETTY MAIDS has a pretty unique outlook, they can capitalize on both their success of the eighties, and in present times. Arguably their finest releases all came in the heyday of heavy metal around the mid-eighties, but 2010´s “Pandemonium” offered a plethora of prospect titles for future best of albums. 21 massive tracks, and an impressive effort of original members vocalist Ronnie Atkins and guitarist Ken Hammer. The rest of the band has spent less time in the band but are important additions nevertheless; drummer Alan Tschicaja (ROYAL HUNT, MISSING TIDE), keyboard player Morten Sandager (MERCENARY) and bass player Rene Shades of MIKE TRAMP fame. On with the show…
The atmospheric stormy weather intro progresses into “Pandemonium”, which may surprise a few since it is the roughest track of the album with the same name. Luckily they blister through the two best tracks off that album, “INVU” and the massive “Little Drops of Heaven” during the show. I miss out of “Cielo Drive” though, another favorite. But who´s to complain, the audience in Pratteln certainly does not! And just think about it, Danish feel-good in the shape of “It Comes at Night”,k Queen of Dreams”, “Yellow Rain” (bleedin´ suspicious title that), “Love Games”, “Future World”… But the bliss doesn´t end there, they do “Rock the House” and “Back to Back” too! The latter being the almost only song ever to get six out of five in my book. On the less flattering side there are “Scream” and “Rodeo”, songs that seem out on bail here… But don´t give up, you can have this one on DVD…or you can catch them live at Zaragon Rock Club in Jönköping in December. They sure do leave an impression every time. This one comes highly recommended.
Track List
Hell on High Heels
Wake Up to the Real World
Destination Paradise
Another Shot
Walk Away
It Comes at Night
Queen of Dreams
Savage Heart
Yellow Rain
Rock the House
Back to Back
Love Games
Future World
Little Drops of Heaven
Please Don´t Leave Me
Red Hot and Heavy
www.frontiers.it www.myspace.com/pmaids