The story of UFO dates back to 1969, and goes on and on. The voice of Phil Mogg has always been there, the nucleus of Pete Way, bass, Andy Parker, drums, plus Michael Schenker is perhaps the names most people associate with their heyday. Schenker left in 78 though so to be fair there´s also much to be said about the years with Paul Chapman, Neil Carter and Paul Raymond. But back to 2012 and the incarnation of the ubiquitous Phil Mogg, the nearly as present Andy Parker, plus Paul Raymond and “new boy” guitar wiz Vinnie Moore. The battles of old seem to be toned town, and much of the party rumors may have left with Pete Way. The new album has been a talker, and praised highly by many…let´s see…
Opener “Fight Night” capitalizes on the patented UFO sound, boosted by the voice, the guitar and the undeniable rock. “Wonderland” follows suit, blessed with a fat riff and a highly enjoyable refrain. Actually “Mojo Town” romped along but fell just short of the mark, while “Angel Station” was one more up, gentle and sensitive as it is. But the remaining six tracks are far (way? Pun intended) to uneven. There is rock, there is an aged raspy voice, a lot of feeling but the spark department seems to have a day off. Only album closer “Waving Goodbye” is a suitable track with Hammond-like keys and that world renowned and seemingly effortless UFO pressure build up. I hoped not but I must confess that this is far too close to old-timer rock for comfort in many places.
Track List
Fight Night
Mojo Town
Angel Station
Year of the Gun
The Last Stone Rider
Steal Yourself
Burn Your House Down
The Fear
Waving Good Bye
www.spv.de www.myspace.com/uforockbandfans