Norwegian rock´s most fashionable beauty ISSA releases her second album. The follow-up to her debut “Sign of Angels” sees her trying song-writing together with the Martin Brothers (VEGA, HOUSE OF LORDS). The debut lacked something I have a hard time defining, will that illusive “it” be here , extracted by ISSA and Daniel Flores?
This time around the opener is first class. “Looking for Love” has a slight keyboard intro, a forceful yet melodic refrain and promises more. The rest of the album never in fact reaches that level again. There is an aspiration to create a big US sound, and they often makes the most of songs that are not upto the Martin brother´s normal standards. The echoes of WHITESNAKE and POISON are nice twists, but it also shows the flaws in comparison. The Eurovision Song Contest meets AOR is the preferred territory, alongside the compulsory Scandinavian sound. The oddest moment must be the title track. It is a highly emotional song, loaded in an electrical way, but also strangely lacking in direction. It´s like a house of cards. I wish for a new take on ISSA´s concept, with all new musicians. With a voice like ISSA you´re bound to hit it off sooner or later, not just this time though.
Track List
Looking for Love
Please Hold On
Take a Stand
Two Hearts
Black Clouds
You´re Making Me
Gonna Stand by You
We´re On Fire
Too Late for Love
What Does It Take
The Storm
www.frontiers.it www.myspace.com/isabelloversveen