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Kaizers Orchestra | FESTIVALPHOTO
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Kaizers Orchestra is a norweigan rock band. The vokalist Janove Ottesen and guitarrplayer Geir Zahl started their first band in 1991, Blod, Snått & Juling. And a secound band in 1995, Gnom.

* 2001 – Ompa til du dør
* 2003 – Evig Pint
* 2005 – Maestro
* 2006 – Live at Vega (liveskiva, DVD)
* 2008 – Maskineri
* 2009 – Våre Demoner
* 2011 – Violeta Violeta Vol. 1
* 2011 – Violeta Violeta Vol. 2 (Kommer i november 2011)
* 2012 – Violeta Violeta Vol. 3 (Komme...