Steel Panther are a band that have divided opinion ever since they were formed, mainly due to their lyrics. Some find them sexist and grossly offensive, while others see it as humour, and looking at the song titles here then that division of opinion is unlikely to change. Anyone who has seen the band live will realise they don't take themselves too seriously though.
To maximise controversy or offence, the album cover is a copy of the famous painting by Da Vinci, "The last supper", with singer Michael Starr replacing Christ and the rest of the band plus some scantily clad women replacing the disciples. Bad taste? perhaps, but that's what Steel Panther are all about.
Once you get past the lyrics though and listen to the music, you soon realise that these guys are good musicians and can definitely play - this isn't just comedy, it's comedy on a base of good music. So if you've never heard Steel Panther (then you've probably been living in a cave for the last few years) then what do they sound like? Well the answer is every 80s rock band around. They've paid tribute to (or ripped off, depending on your viewpoint) bands such as Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Guns n Roses, Van Halen and more.
"Gangbang in the old folks home" features a guitar solo from a special guest - Def leppard's Vivian Campbell.
Listening to the album and comparing it to their debut, the song's do sound more original whereas the earlier material sounded very much as though they'd used riffs from classic '80s songs. Here, there is still a strong '80s sound but the songs don't sound like copies. Obviously being Steel Panther the lyrics are just as crude/offensive/sexist/tasteless/funny (delete as applicable) as ever. Songs about a Gloryhole - “There’s a place in France where the naked ladies dance/there’s a hole in the wall where you put your cock and balls/but you never really know who’s sucking on the other side/is it a boy or a girl, or a lady-man hermaphrodite”; menstruation (She's on the rag) - "Who want's blood on your cock, blood on your balls, flowing like a bloody Niagara falls", a gangbang at the old folks home and Bukkake - Steel Panther are just as rude and crude as ever.
Whether you love them or hate them, Steel Panther are very popular - their tours consistently sell out and they're high up on the bill at this years Download festival, so they aren't going away any time soon. Why not stop taking life too seriously and just enjoy this album, it's got great music and rude lyrics and is just good fun to listen to.
Track Listing
1) Pussywhipped
2) Party Like Tomorrow is the End of the World
3) Gloryhole
4) Bukkake Tears
5) Gangbang in the Old Folks’ Home
6) Ten Strikes You’re Out
7) The Burden of Being Wonderful
8) Fucking My Heart in the Ass
9) B.V.S
10) You’re Beautiful When You Don’t Talk
11) If I was the King
12) She’s on the Rag
Steel Panther:
Michael Starr – lead vocals, backing vocals
Satchel – lead, rhythm and acoustic guitars, backing vocals
Lexxi Foxxx – bass guitar, backing vocals
Stix Zadinia – drums, percussion, piano, backing vocals |