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Happyness - Happyness EP | FESTIVALPHOTO

Happyness - Happyness EP



Three-piece LOndon band Happyness release their debut EP at the start of 2014.

Opening track "It's on you" has quite a laid back feel. It's a very good track.

"Orange Luz" continues with a laid back feel and slow pace.

"Lascascadas" is an instrumental, and is my favourite track on the album. At times it's reminiscent of the classic Fleetwood Mac instrumental, "Albatross". A lovely track

The EP ends with "Montreal rock band somewhere" again has that slow laid-back pace which ends the EP nicely.

A very good EP that promises much for when they release a full-length album.

"Happyness" will be released on 6th January 2014

Track listing:

1. It's on you
2. Orange luz
3. Lascascadas
4. Montreal rock band somewhere

Writer: Anthony May
I don't have Facebook
