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  Eindhoven Metal Meeting

The longest-running extreme metal indoor fest will take place at De Effenaar in Eindhoven.rnrnBlack metal, death metal, thrash metal, and doom metal are just a few of the subgenres represented by the festival's wide lineup of foreign and local metal performers.rnrnLine up 2023:rnOverkillrnSodomrnNecrophobicrnShiningrnCult of firernVomitoryrnUrgehalrnHoly MosesrnMispyrmingrnChris HolmesrnLvcifyrernDarvazarnKoldrannrnSulphur AeonrnThy lightrnEllendernIn AphelionrnBodyfarmrnMentorsrnCyclonernCryptopsisrnCaronternGracelessrnSpasmrnWhiskey ritualrnHelleruinrnMoribund OblivionrnProfanityrnHaliphronrnTheotoxinrnSerpents OathrnWrangrnMassive assault rnrn

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Eindhoven Metal Meeting | FESTIVALPHOTO